Friday 19 February 2010

Now try this

Read email from inbox then go up to reply


Lindi says can't you take me for a walk sometimes?

Young Wardens at Lackford Lakes

Today I went to Lackford lakes where I did this thing called Young Wardens where we made a living willow dome structure but we only had three and a half hours to do it so we only got to finishing weaving all the bits together but not putting the ends of the upright sticks together because they werent long enough so it will eventually grow and end up looking like the picture above!
Digger :)

Thursday 18 February 2010

Free Day

Today is the only day of the half term that I am doing nothing, but I had to take my brother, Josh, to this "skills school" rugby thing and on the way back, I bought a Golden Gourami (as shown above).For the rest of the day I just did nothing (eg. playing the piano at totally random times, trying to work out eBay and making this website!! ).

Digger :)

Ps. rate this please!